Welcome back to Term 3. It's been exciting to see the enthusiasm and commitment from all our learners since I returned from holidays. It's also great to see students proudly wearing their uniform and being part of our time.
Across our school we have multi-tiered levels of support for students based on identified need. In our literacy space Tier One provisions means that all students are given the same instruction and exposure to age appropriate learning programmes. For students with identified needs a Tier Two provision may be small group work with an adult two to four times a week. For students with higher needs a Tier three provision would be individual 1 to 1 support, usually aligned to an individual learning plan.
Similarly, a number of students have Tier two or Tier three support for social and/or emotional learning needs. The use of external providers to facilitate programmes for small groups as well as intervention by Professional Support Staff is determined and delivered through planning and management with our school Student Support and Well-being Team. Through all these programs we are working towards all our students being at least at standard across the board.
With the return from holidays we want to reinforce the statewide mandate of phones being off and away all day. For those students in the primary component of our school, phones should be signed into the office if they come with students during the day. For our older learners, phones are self managed but again should not be out for any reason during the school day, including after arrival inside the school gates. We strongly recommend that any parent communication for students happens through our school office, or outside of school hours (8:30am – 3:00pm).
We are currently having road markings and crossings repainted in our school car park. Again will be directing children to use the marked crossings to access family vehicles in the car park or when entering/leaving the school. We have painted a safety line for our bus area. We will be directing and encouraging students to walk closest to the fence when moving to or from buses.
As a school we continue to value attendance. We have a schoolwide target of 86% for the year in our school improvement plan. Thank you to those families who make contact when their children are away for valid reasons. Please remember to let us know when your child is absent and the reasons why. Every day does matter, so please ensure that your child attends whenever possible.
Our first week at 5-6 sport is occuring this Friday (weather dependent) and all their fixtures will be at George Town this year. We look forward to students building friendships, developing their teamwork and making friends.
Colin Pearson