Having watched the recent Olympics, we need to make sure that we celebrate all successes not just gold medal achievements. Personal bests are fantastic in themselves! Having positive feedback for students and for staff is a really important feature of education. By setting small goals and achieving them students understand success and become more comfortable with it. Some of these successes, are not always academic and are equally important based upon individual’s circumstances. As “coaches”, teachers work really hard to identify opportunities and skills that they believe will best serve students moving forward. The other key component to success is attendance.
Our 5-6 sport representatives combined with their sports leaders, enjoyed a great first day of competition in George Town recently. We have several students who have been chosen as Country Gold representatives for Tamar Valley, in various sports who will compete against other regions towards the end of the term. Many thanks to our staff for organising and providing this opportunity as part of a larger organisation. Well done to all our all the students that trialled and put their best effort towards selection.
Our students continue to be excellent representatives for us in the broader community. Whenever we go on excursions, to sporting events or to more formal opportunities, their behaviour, manners and respect for others are of the highest standard. It is a real privilege to know that they continue to make great choices and build a great picture of our school across the region.
Now Launching into Learning programme continues to receive good support, with strong numbers attending weekly. This opportunity for children to engage with school and build routines is a great first step in terms of their introduction to school.
I want to thank those families that make direct contact with class teachers, senior staff or myself when things aren’t working the way we would expect or when there is information that is needed. This communication is invaluable when we have it and it allows us to adjust and cater for some of those situations in a more meaningful manner.
Safety is a paramount responsibility for us all. Please slow down through the school zone, particularly in our car parks and driveways. Recently there have been too many people in a hurry. Similarly please make sure that the drop off zone isn’t used as a car park as the bottleneck created causes further safety concerns for all.
Colin Pearson