Welcome back to the last term of the year.
This term tends to be the busiest of the year culminating with our End of Year Presentation Assembly and our farewell to Year 10s. During the course of the term there are already numerous activities, incursions and excursions that have been booked in.
In addition there will be ongoing planning for 2025 including class structures and associated class placement. For our organisation it is always helpful when permission forms and associated documents are returned in a timely fashion.
As mentioned previously, we are moving to a four block timetable in 2025. This wont mean a change to the learning time students have access to for subjects, but it will create a break between each lesson. This will assist students with transitions between lessons and also allow for physical resets to increase student’s focus on their learning.
We are continuing to review and refine our processes and policies across the school. We continue to have a clear focus on attendance and uniform and appreciate the support we have been receiving in this space. We know that being at school provides the best opportunities for students to learn and grow, so please ensure that students attend as often as possible.
With the beginning of Term 4 we are enacting our Sun Safe policy. Hats should be worn when the UV is above 3. Starting Wednesday our Primary students without an approved broad brimmed hat will need to sit in designated shade areas. Please support your child with this initiative.
Our other statewide ruling is that mobile phones should be off and away all day. Primary students who are bringing a device to school are asked to sign it into the office. Our 7-10 students have clear expectations re phone use, which starts from the time that they walk through the school gates. We would appreciate families supporting this message by NOT contacting students directly during school hours. Please contact the office if you need to get a message to them. Our highly efficient office staff will ensure that these are passed on.
As part of our redevelopment work in the 9-10 space, we have a linked art installation. We are working on this exciting project with the successful applicant and hope to be able to share this with the community before the end of the year.
We are working with our student body to increase leadership opportunities for aspiring applicants. We are strongly encouraging any (Years Six to Nine) students to put their names forward to build their skills and make a difference. Students from Year 9 will be applying to be part of our 2025 Student Leadership team in the coming fortnight.
Please continue to reach out to class teachers in the first instance if there is information that we need to know to ensure that we are providing the best level of support, care and learning for your child so that everyone enjoys a great term.
Colin Pearson