We had a wonderful time sharing with parents of our 2025 Kinder students last Friday. This information session allows Kinder parents to understand what we are expecting on a range of fronts regarding their child and their learning. It was very positive to have strong numbers and to start our learning partnership together.
We are continuing to work with staff, and students, regarding processes which we believe will assist us in having calm and orderly learning environments. We are progressing through the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) suite of resources. We are continuing the work we started in Term 2 to ensure that students are receiving the same high expectations from all our staff and that we reward the positive behaviours we are increasingly seeing in the playground and the classroom.
This has led to student learning being settled and positive generally, with the number of positive behaviour support (PBS) tickets being issued increasing each week. The settled nature of classrooms is having a strong impact on positive, uninterrupted learning opportunities.
We wanted to thank you for the support with received with the City Misson Spring Food Drive. The response was very positive and we welcome the opportunity to not just support people in need but also to try to instil the need to look out for our friends and neighbours.
Our focus on attendance currently sees us with 81.5% of students here on average. Whilst we understand that students will be away from time to time but we need communication from families when students are absent. Almost two thirds (2/3) of absences are currently unexplained this term. This is an alarming number and one we would like your assistance with to bring the figure down. A friendly reminder that if your child is away for 5 consecutive days, there should be a medical certificate provided on their return.
Lilydale District School has a wide range of learners, from Kinder to Year 12, as well as a significant number of students who require differentiation to their learning. To meet these needs and support student learning across the school we offer Tier 1 instruction which is delivered in the classroom by the class/subject teacher. Tier 2 and 3 provisions usually occur outside the classroom and have a range of purposes. They can involve emotional learning, intervention for numeracy or literacy or be focussed on social skill development.
All of the following Tier 2 programs are being delivered across Term 4 to provide support, increase engagement and deliver intervention based on identified student need. This means that more than one in five or 75 plus students each week are receiving additional support in line with their individual learning situations.
During this term we have the following opportunities for identified students:
- Equine assisted learning
- Hands on learning (wood projects)
- Cool Kids, Textiles – life skills
- Drum Beat
- Art Therapy
- Friends Program
- Mini Lit
- MacqLit
- Personalised learning pathways
In addition, we support students to attend external opportunities such as Student Works, Tier 4 and MadWheels programs as well as a quality program of work experience, traineeship and school based apprenticeships.
As mentioned, our Intensive Support Partnership has seen us focussing on Calm Orderly Learning environments this term. We are doing some preparatory work in relation to tightening our Mobile Phone Policy for 2025 as well as reviewing our Uniform expectations and offerings. The latter wont be significant changes but the expectations will increase in terms of students needing to be in uniform, every day they are at school. We will share these developments as we build our policies and procedures.
Colin Pearson